Archive Sub Rosa - Chapter 2

# Two --Seymour-- "I'm not suggesting you go into sixth form or something but... you do actually have an assistant's position at Oxford, couldn't you pivot that into...


Archive Sub Rosa - Chapter 4

--Orion-- Cute lad, sorry he had other things going on, oh well. I do actually hope I'll see him again sometime, but I can't be thinking about that right now, I...


Archive Sub Rosa - Chapter 3

# Three --Eliot-- My office door slides closed behind me, last new arrival of the day taken care of and only... an hour behind schedule according to my phone...


Archive Sub Rosa-Chapter 1

# One --Pyra-- This new assignment is totally ridiculous. How does one _archive_ culture? My job's always been straightforward: go to place A, pick op...


Stella Novus - Chapter I, Viæ

Chapter I # Viæ, The Road June 29, 23XX The Horse and Otter stepped out of the Remedium and into the bright afternoon sun. It was one of those rare days that the clouds retreated from the skies over the Institute, allowing the warm rays to mix with...

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Stella Novus - Præludium, Terra Perniciosa

Præludium # Terra Perniciosa, Dangerous Land War is a terrible and powerful force. Brother fights brother, friend fights friend, over matters of money, resources, social status, independence, and gods. In the history of the human race there have...

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Stella Novus - Chapter IIII, Demulceo

Chapter IIII # Demulceo, The Entrance August 4, 23XX Pyra jerked awake, gasping for breath for a moment before stifling himself. He looked around: he was still in the hammock that he had strung up, but it seemed to be around midday now. Had he...

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Stella Novus - Chapter III. Silva

Chapter III # Silva, The Forest August 3, 23XX Pyra sat bolt upright, breathing heavily, drenched in sweat. He had had another strange dream, the first in a while. It was always the same though, but each time the two figures became a little...

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Stella Novus - Chapter II, Ipsum

Chapter II # Ipsum, The Student July 6, 23XX The Rabbit Troi poked his head inside Weir's open office door. The Otter was alone, working on his tablet in his maddeningly white room. "Hey, you've got one more coming in for processing, and we have...

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