The odds are against me: chapter 6
David's mom burst in only pausing a second after seeing me before walking over to David and whispering in his ear. The look of fear that spread across David's face was enough to break my heart all over again. He whimpered in fear before burying his...
The odds are against me:chapter 5
After preparing breakfast and getting me and Justin ready for school we were out at the bus stop waiting for the bus when I realized that he wasnt on the bus yesterday. "why weren't you on the bus yesterday Justin" I asked curious as to why he was...
the odds are against me chapter 4
aouthers note; Sorry high scool is catching up to me plus form october 24 im bussy starting at the 24th casue its my birth day then my brothers then the grandmas anaversery of her funeral then thanksgiving and then now i dont want to right because of i...
odds are against me:chapter 2
Claire "HE DID WHAT?!?!" I shouted as I heard what my son had done. "Claire please calm down" my chief said as he tried to hold me back so as not to let me drive to the hospital and yell at David. "Why john, why will he not listen to me?" I asked...
odds are against me
As the alarm on my ipawd went off, I woke from my peaceful slumber into my not so peaceful life. Hey this is the story of my life my name is David. I stood and walked out the door of my bedroom and down the hall. I am a 5 ft. 10 wolf with solid back...
the odds are against me chapter 3
Veronica "Ok this is getting old give them back now!" I heard David yell I peeked around the corner to see James running down the hall with David's crutches. "NO I think I'll keep them "he said as he ran ever closer. As he got to the corner I stuck...