Fyve 1: A Day In The Life

Fyve: Just Another Day. This is the story of a typical day in the life of Fyve. You might as well call it the story of his life, up to a point at least... The sun inched grudgingly over the horizon of Zul'Drak. There was no cacophony of bird...

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Fyve: On Break (2)

Fyve's flying machine wheezed and squealed plaintively as he hovered over Krasus's Landing. The round and open courtyard was where all flying mounts (and, rarely, flying machines) took off and landed. Krasus's Landing was the entrance that most people...

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Fyve: Nothing Can Hurt Me (3)

Back at the Filthy Animal, his favorite inn in Dalaran, Fyve drank sullenly. He was completely smashed - his eyes were hot and swollen; his mouth completely numb. His hands were heavy and boneless... He wondered how he could even lift a glass. He...

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