Even Saints Sin Chapter 1- A Rude Interlude

Chapter 1: Love Long Lost/A Rude Interlude A husky stared absently at the ravaging waters below the dam. She had a coat of white with a black and brown streak that stretched from the tip of her nose to her tail, she wore a vest with the words LCPD...

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Even Saints Sin (intro)

And Even Saints Sin by Axell Prologue There had been nothing more familiar to Natalya than the sound of the turbines in the dam. It was a mess, which they had stopped before things got uglier. Terrorist overran the dam and set up explosive...

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The Inheritors: Prologue

Author's notes: _I have always liked the furry fandom, however I can't help but feel that we have lost touch with our origins. What happened to our ties to sci-fi? What happened to our reverence to Albedo Anthropomorphics. But enough of that, I'm...

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The Cocktease

Gotta clear my head. Fucken room a bit too small for me right now. Not to mention got a few students watchin. Yah! So what if I'm a teacher. I know I don't behave like one, but teaching has always been a passion of mine next to long drives down route...

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Telephone Acrobatics

**She's on the Telephone** By _gothicpanda_ I look forward to coming home after a tiring day of work. Work's not boring, don't get me wrong, however at the end of the day I want to curl up in the sofa my arms wrapped around my wife while I she...

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