The Day I Met You 2

I wake up to a spine chilling breeze that happened to waft into the cave to see that I am alone in a pile of deer pelts. I couldn't help, but give a whimper to the sudden feeling of frost and loneliness return again. I step out of the cave to get a...

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The Day I Met You

As I lay cuddled in his arms, I reminisce about what happened that day. I was nothing more than a depressed teenage wolf who had been shunned by all of the other wolves of my tribe. In my tribe there are many rituals and ceremonies to be had for the...

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A New Beginning Within The End: Chapter 1 (The Meeting)

\*ring ring... ring ring... ring ring\* I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing and get up wondering who would call me at 5 in the morning. I rush over to the phone before it would hang up planning on cursing the rude fur for waking me. I lifted...

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A New Beginning Within The End: Chapter 2 (The race)

\*Screeeee\* We heard the door screech as Mike slowly opened the back door. I had my beretta ready just incase one of them might decide pop up. After the door was fully opened Mike stepped out with axe in hand making sure the coast was clear. Then we...

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