A Fated Meeting

CONTENT: M/F, Wolves, Knot, Public Sex, Water, Vaginal, Relationships, Sexual-tension build up and first time (non virginal though). This story is about two anthro-wolves, Aelani and Ghent. A little background, Aelani and...

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The Claiming of Jaelina, Part 3

Jaelina tugged on her arms, pulling as she squirmed under the wolf, rocking her hips left and right, twisting to try to keep his cock from lining up with her pussy as she stammered out, "I don't know what you are talking about, my father died when I...

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The Claiming of Jaelina, Part 2

Jaelina smirked back up at the dark wolf and yanked down hard on her paws, trying to get free of the steely grip holding her arms pinned, but to no avail, his large paw held fast. She narrowed her eyes again and yelled at him once more as she struggled...

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The Claiming of Jaelina, Part 1

Jaelina flumped down onto the pile of soft pillows with a bored air of indifference, her sapphire eyes flickering over the gathered collective without much interest. There was no one here worth her while. As she examined a flawless claw tip on her left...

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