The Weight Of Choices Chapter 1

**The Weight Of Choices ** Well hey everyone if your reading this then great you are reading my first posted story on here, I started this earlier today so if it has errors tell me, but be nice please. Asshole can go write there own story you don't...

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What Were You Expecting part 1

Warning this has things for adults if you are 17 or younger back up this isn't for you and if you chose to continue then know you did it of your own free will and will never be able to forget this. If your 18+ then welcome this story contains yiff,...

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What Were You Expecting part 2

Warning this has things for adults if you are 17 or younger back up this isn't for you and if you chose to continue then know you did it of your own free will and will never be able to forget this. If your 18+ then welcome this story contains sexual...

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