Friendly Direction: Chapter 5

Janet jerked her head back in surprise and blinked six times so rapidly it was like he was spraying water in her face. A wary disbelieving look replaced surprise as she began to soundlessly work her jaw up and down as though she had forgotten how to...

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Origin: Feral Cheetah

Alma Perez Mitchell flicked her clawed, paw-like hands to shake off some of the blood that coated them. This one almost reached the panic button before she saw him. Now she turned again to face her father, her adopter, her...creator. "I trusted you,...

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Friendly Direction: chapter 2

Okay, so here is chapter two. It took a lot longer than I'd thought. I had to make some decisions about Indigo and Janet that I didn't have cemented in my mind after chapter one. Then this suffered numerous rewrites till I was satified with the pacing...

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Friendly directions

Chapter one Indigo slowed to a trot as his red brick apartment came into view through the skeletonized late fall trees. He wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve, a little amazed how wet his extra-long, extra-baggy, work out shirt had become in...

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Friendly Direction: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Indigo was rubbing his thighs again and trying to keep warm when Janet came back outside. She had her mobile phone to her ear and was making short affirmative responses to the other party. She did not look at him until she finished her call....

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Friendly Direction chapter 3

Chapter 3 Another powerful memory replayed in Indigo's mind's eye. "As you know, my family had moved here from Spain only one month before school started." Janet nodded, her ears leaning forward slightly as if eager to catch every word as soon as...

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