A Tale of Showers, Sprained Ankles, and Unlikely Love

A soft white and a softer gray; the two were inseparable between the hours of eight and four. His wide grin was not often seen without her sly smirk nearby, nor her smirk without his grin. They'd hardly known eachother a year, but the fast friends were...

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Labia Lounge

The air was pleasantly cool that hour, with subtle breezes wafting the smells of city life through the streets. It was late; the hustle and bustle of the day was succumbing to the gentle pleasantries of long and...

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One Midnight Visit

Her ears burned in hot anticipation. She could feel her heart in her throat. Hammering. Hammering. With each beat she worried that he'd stir; that she'd be caught and she could never speak to him again. Was it really worth it, now that she thought...

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