Once upon a time in the vibrant village of Wackywoods, notorious for its eccentric inhabitants and their wild imaginations, a peculiar phenomenon emerged. Women were inexplicably plagued by spontaneous combustion in a region they could only describe as...
Brainwashed, Fiasco, Fox, Foxy, Hotbuns, Panties, Pussy, Squirrel, hot pants, on fire
N and Jaxie : Episode 1 (The Great Vocaloid Museum)
It was a fine day for N to just be minding his own business at the Vocaloid museum that he went to look at Vocaloid stuff when all of a sudden, an unwanted guest appeared. It was a tall lanky...
Abuse, Amazingdigitalcircus, Buttfire, Buttonfire, Crossover, Digitalcircus, Hotbuns, Humiliation, Jax, Luka, Meiko, Murderdrones, Nupogodi, Octopus, Parody, Serialdesignationj, Serialdesignationn, Vocaloid, funny, miku, slapstick
Ezra hare and Pavia wolf had been mortal enemies, one day they came across a magical goguma. At first Ezra said not to touch it but Pavia ignored him and tried to take it home, just then a huge flash of light burst out from the goguma and there they...
Goguma, Hare, Hotbuns, Nu pogodi, Parody, Swap AU, Sweet potato, Wolf, role swap
Wild Cat Chase at the Museum
(DISCLAIMER : All the characters in here are over 18+, even Tabasco the cat.)
Seline the Skunk and Camile the cat woman were chasing Tabasco, Seline's missing cat, who had just ran off while holding Seline's precious My...
Burn, Butt on fire, Futa, Futa on female, Futanari, Hotbuns, Humiliation, Implied impregnation, Ryona, slapstick