Adventures In Deep Space (WIP)

**Chapter One** A faint hiss comes from the airlock as the shuttle docks with the space station, The small fennec flicks his ears as the all clear is sounded for people to depart. He grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder and begins to exit,...

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The Prophet Chapter One

**Chapter One** ** ** Waking up with a start hearing his cell phone go off, fumbling around he grabs it and flips it open. "Detective Herald speaking, this better be good" he says with a groggy tone while he fumbles his alarm clock seeing it was two...

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The Prophet Prologue

**Prologue** The deluge of rain continues to fall in the night as a figure pads down the street, turning his collar to the cold he tips his hat and keeps walking the wind whistling past his ears. He checks his surroundings not seeing a single soul...

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