Personal Best
Personal Best Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Xakrai The cement practically crackled under Ethan's feet as he jogged home, his sneakers getting rather soft as they pounded the baked sidewalk. Sweat poured down the fourteen-year-old's...
Down to The Bone
Down to the Bone Written by Leo\_Todrius Steam hung in the air almost like a fog, drifting off of the warm pool in the cool building. The sun had finally risen, seeming like an oddly hopeful beacon of light through the tall windows that lines the...
In Dog Years
In Dog Years Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Xakrai A cool summer breeze blew through the screens on the windows, filling the house with fresh air after the long, hot day. Crickets were buzzing in the yard and the sky was a rich...
Luck of the Roll
Luck of the Roll Written by Leo\_Todrius and Porsche454 Commissioned by Xakrai Sunlight struggled to gain entrance into the classroom, streaming through the gap between the white blinds pulled down almost all of the way. While the nearly blinding...
Results May Vary
Results May Vary Written by Leo\_Todrius It had been a long and dreary day that seemed to drag on despite always seeming later in the day than it should have been. The skies were a uniform grey and the light they cast fell across a part of town...