Pray for Daylight part VI

Ten: Time to Die Willis looked over the equipment he'd decided upon one last time. Assault rifle, 12 gauge shotgun, grenade launcher and a brace of 50 cal desert eagles. He was all set to bust that club wide open. "Quite an impressive array of...

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Pray for Daylight part V

Eight: Assistant Shortly after finding Dr Forest Fredericks sat in his own office wondering what to do next. Willis had gone with the doctor to make sure she was okay leaving him at the precinct to decide upon a course of action. The thing was he...

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Pray for Daylight part IV

Six: New allies Fredericks got in early to work for once. He needed to beat Phillips there so he could check some of the case files himself. He didn't trust her judgment that none of them had anything to do with the Deus Vitae case. He was indeed...

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Pray for Daylight part III

Four: Dead men don't talk. Fredericks didn't sleep much that night wondering what kind of danger he'd sent his partner into. He was relieved when she showed up for work on time the next day. "Hey Jason.... You look like shit." "Where've I...

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Pray for Daylight part II

Two: Deus Vitae The club was hidden away in a back alley well off the main club scene. Fredericks was surprised it even got any business being hidden away as it was. "Hey Phillips." "Yes." "What ya know about this dump?" "Seems pretty...

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Pray for Daylight

((Here's the first chapter in an ongoing series so be on the look out for more parts to come as I write them)) One: Filed under U Her breath was ragged and came only in pants. She'd been running for what felt like hours but had in fact only...

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