Have We Met?

Kurt knows exactly when this bar became his watering hole. A dozen blocks from his apartment, in the University neighborhood? Yeah, sure. Overpriced PBR marketed to a crowd too detached from the money they spend to discern any quality beyond the forced...

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Study Break

Dameron didn't even moan as his cock erupted like a gashed high-pressure hose. You almost would have wondered if he were asleep with his fat wine-hued dick in his hand and a greedy, slobbering St. Bernard between his knees slurping up his night...

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Hike #1

You could lose a day in the hills, the moments of peacefulness that overwhelmed you, the sun rise on your eager form to light the trail and set on a makeshift tent for an unexpected evening with the stars and emergency flares. You had to be...

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Biscuit loved pointing out misconceptions, and in this moment he was extremely aware and extremely silent about the idea that you can't see a wistar rat go pale. As he and his date turned the corner into the entrance of the arena, the sight separating...

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Lockwood Resorts

Opening the locker, Billy Beagle stepped back a moment to wonder to himself what he should have expected. It wasn't the regulation white tank top with the red cross that had shocked him, or the whistle dangling gently from a hook on the left, and he...

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Friends with Benefits

Sitting with his laptop on the couch of the apartment living room, Bo's sensitive ears first twitched at the sound of heavy footsteps mounting the steps two floors down. His dick twitched next as the unmistakable stomps of the delivery woman became...

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