A Unexpected Feeling

The night wore on. 20 minutes ago, a wolf cub named Ben had been assaulted by tentacles; all of them were solid green. One tentacle was more transparent than the rest, and that one wrapped and engulfed the pup's member, using his orgasm as a means to...

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Father's turn

The night wore on. It was close to 5 AM by the time he reached to his father's room. A wolf cub had experienced something new just 5 minutes ago. The pup was held down and restrained by tentacles as one transparent, green tendril engulfed his sheath,...

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A cub's surprise

The night was long for one particular family of wolves. The house they slept in was isolated in the woods and surrounded by trees. It stood on a single dirt road which ended just shortly afterwards. Inside this house was a family of four wolves. A...

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Izzy factory

A fox family, a mother, a father and a daughter, who was probably 5 years. Walks through a vegetation factory for green projects. The mother and father were very interested in this, while the daughter was bored out of her mind. Her name was Izzy. She...

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