
The first few steps were sloppy. Running over the sandy terrain proved to be more difficult than Beck had anticipated. Dazed by the flashbang, the two bandits were unable to retaliate. They needed to be dealt with before the other two could make it...

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There and Back Again

"A gryphon?" Jason said. "That's bullshit." The balding man, out of breath from yelling, sat back down in his leather chair. For someone who's only physical activity consisted of walking to and from his car on casino and arena days, he was capable of...

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Along the Path to the Port

Beck fumbled over the never ending grains of sand that made up the terrain. His equipment was cumbersome; the two grenades, encrusted dagger, and water canteen clanked together as he trudged forward. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought...

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