Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 4

**Chapter 4** **More Meetings** Morning broke over the horizon, letting the sun spill its' warmth out onto the land. Its' rays cutting through the last of the shadows of the night; creeping, touching as far as it could. Slowly, the light reached...

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Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3** **Planning the Search** Tucker woke up early due to his routine. The sun barley coming over the horizon made the room just light enough to see his way around. Sitting up, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, 'what happened?' He looked...

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Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 2

**Chapter 2** **Meeting** Max was the first one to wake up. His head still felt like was spinning. He closed his eyes and waited till the spinning stopped. He looked around and noticed the jeep had stopped. Then he noticed his master, Tucker, not...

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Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 1

**Prologue** War. War is what mankind has done for centuries. Fighting. Fighting against ourselves for power, land, money, and for... freedom. Freedom. Freedom is what we all desire. Freedom is what we need to survive. Freedom is given, not earned....

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 13

**Chapter 13** After Link and Cynder had their little 'talk', it was near noon. Link made his way to the dining hall for lunch. He asked the cook for a couple of slices of cooked meat and a bowl of water. The cook gave him his order and asked, "What...

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 12

**Chapter 12** The next morning, the sun light crept through the window and shown in Links' face. He groaned in protest, but decided it better to get up now. He sat up in bed, yawning and stretching, getting the kinks out of his joints. Swinging his...

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 11

**Chapter 11** Spyro stirred as he began to gain consciousness. His head felt like a golem smacked him beside the head with a rock. 'Ugh, my head'. Spyro opened his eyes and closed them immediately for the light burned his eyes. He opened his eyes...

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The Elemental Balde: Chapter 10

**Chapter 10** Meanwhile... In the Mt. of Malefor or the Well of Souls, a dragon was walking down a tunnel towards the main chamber. A big dragon at that. Its color was distinguished by the torches that lit the tunnel. They gave light needed to...

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 9

**Chapter 9** "Okay, you two, go!" Link told them. Spyro nodded, "Let's go Cynder." They took off and flew as fast as they could. "Hey, you're not going anywhere without me," said Sparks, flying beside Spyro. "When did you decide to join in?"...

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 8

**Chapter 8** Link ran toward the Lizarlfos in full intention to kill him. A couple of gremlins got in the way and tried to block him. He cut through on, spun once and sliced through another and kept going. The Lizarlfos saw Link and gave his full...

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7** Silence. Cold silence was the only thing heard in the place evil once originated. Wind blew across the rubble of the mountain, occasionally bringing an eerie howl in the dark depths of the shadows. There, in the cold silence, shadows...

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 6

**Chapter 6** Link slowly awoke. The sun was high in the sky, no clouds to be seen. He slowly moved to get up, but severe pain erupted from his shoulder and chest causing him to groan. Spyro and Cynder, who was sitting across from him, saw that he...

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