Becoming: Part 9-Eviction
As Alex stuffed his clothing into a backpack, which the Brownings had given him, he began to reflect on his choices. What had caused him to run into that forest? How could he just forget about the only people that had been kind to him and simply run...
Becoming: Part 8-Return
Alex ran through the forest. He dodged stray roots and branches, all without breaking a sweat. He found that he was able to run at a much higher speed and that his mind moved at a much quicker pace, making it easy to comprehend where he was in relation...
Becoming: Part 7- Revelations
That night, Alex had very weird dreams. Alex couldn't fully comprehend it but he saw repeated images of trees, bushes, and other plants. Everything looked the same to him, except for the fact that in a very select few of the bushes, bright pale yellow...
Becoming: Part 6-Changes
Alex awoke with a shudder. He was in a cold sweat. He was out of breath, and hyperventilating. He needed to calm himself down. Closing his eyes, he let his mind go blank. He slowed his breath down to a regular rate and felt as his heart slowly stopped...
Becoming :Part 5- A life Interrupted
The days rolled by. Alex helped the family that had taken him in. During this period of time, he had also grown much closer to them. They had two children: a 9-year old boy, named Ben, and a 7-year old girl, named Lisa. They were nice kids,...
Becoming: Part 4-A Home
Light suddenly filled the room, burning Alex's sensitive eyes. He moaned and rolled onto his stomach, covering his head with a pillow.. There were mumbled voices from across the room and someone approached Alex. "Are you O.K?" Alex spun around at...
Becoming: Part 3-A long Walk
Hello everyone :) Sorry about the recent gap in writing. School is being ridiculously difficult right now :) Anyway, just wanted to say that I would reall appreciate it if you could comment on this :) it's just hard to write something and have very few...
Becoming: Part 2-Through the Flames
Alex awoke to the sound of people sprinting, panicked voices and mechanical beeps. He lifted his head and saw a group of people in white coats rush past his door and into the room across the hall from his. Although the men and women were crowding...
Becoming: Part 1 -Lost
\*Hello everyone, this is my first story that I've every posted on the web, so I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes. If there are any formatting errors, it is most likely because I am doing this on my IPod. Constructive Criticism is always...