A Different Path: Chapter 2

As Judy slept in Nick's arms, her dreams got stranger and stranger; hearing voices and odd sounds that weren't quite nightmares but were nevertheless disturbing. Her body twitched as the jumble of sounds and images in her mind gently started to take...

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A Different Path Chapter: 1

After she finished popping the popcorn, Judy came in carrying the bowl and settled next to Nick who was already seated on the couch and opened some beers for the two of them. "What're we watching?" she asked as she pulled a blanket over her legs. "You...

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A Different Path: Chapter 3

_Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me...

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A Different Path: Chapter 5

_9:32 AM_ "You want me to go where?!" exclaimed Clawhauser. Wilde gave him a pointed look. "You need to go back to the ZPD and dump the sarge's car." "And you said that that collar's got a tracker on it?" he asked as he took it from his...

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A Different Path: Chapter 4

Judy turned got off the bridge and made a right into the borough. The first thing she noticed was a heavily graffitied sign that read, "Welcome to Happy Town." She had just finished crossing the western inlet. "Now entering Happy Town," came the voice...

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A Different Path Chapter: 8

_3:19 AM_ The bang as she slammed the door reverberated off the walls, lightly vibrating them, as she slumped against the frame. She closed her eyes as the stress from everything they'd seen and experienced the previous day, and the last few hours,...

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A Different Path: Chapter 7

The drive was as interminable as the silence that pervaded the van. The quiet seemed to penetrate into the very minds and hearts of the vehicle's occupants as the shock of sadness and horror to which they'd been witnesses arrested any deep thoughts...

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A Different Path Chapter: 9

The room was silent in the wake of her story. The rabbit eyed the figures around the room who had by now all taken seats, herself having taken a place next to Honey. The resulting formation had her feeling not-a-little intimidated as the Happy...

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A Different Path: Chapter 6

_3:40 PM_ "So it's done?" asked Pricilla, a slight note of delight in her voice. The voice over the phone grunted in the affirmative and she smiled to herself. All obstacles had ostensibly been dealt with and things could proceed as she'd hoped they...

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