(CYOA) Stay
'Hmm, let's stay here. I feel save here.'| Tobin noods and locked the front door. He smiles to Tobias.| 'So, now we're save. Should we clean up a bit, so we can sleep?'| The two starts to clean the cabin, to make room for there sleeping bags. Tobin...
(CYOA) Look outside
Look outside. 'Yeah, maybe your right if you say there's another enter. Let's look to the back.'| The two friends go outside and walks arround the cabin. On the other side, there's no other door. But there is an enter to a basement. There a basement...
(CYOA) Sleep
Sleeps. 'Let's go to bed.': says Tobias. 'I'm tierd.'| Tobin noods and the two go in the tent and lay on the airbeds. They fall assleep emediatly.| Tobias wakes up from a sound, like a canon has been shot. He looks next to him, Tobin was gone. He...
(CYOA) Walking
Walking. 'Let's take a walk.': says Tobias.| The two stands up and walk some arround the lake.| 'It looks like the water is clear. You think this is the same water the came out of the fountain in the village?'| 'Maybe. Let's taste it.'| Tobin pick-up a...
(CYOA) The cabin
The cabin: 'Maybe we can better go right. I think that's shorter.': say Tobias.| Tobin follow him, deeper into the forrest. After a minute of 20, the start to see something. They walk to it. It seems to be a wooden cabin. Behind the windows, there was...
(CYOA) The lake
The lake 'Let's go left.' Says Tobin. 'That's the way back to the village.' Tobias follow his zebra friend. They follow the path for like an half of an hour. After that, the tree's starts to spraid. The two see an absulutly beautiful lake, glittering...
(CYOA) Chapter 1
Winter, it was one of the most beautiful season, Tobias think. Specialy when the snow has cover the village, that was settle in the mountains. He loves to hike the snow covered paths and when he came home make a cup of hot chocolate. Tobias was a 25...
Epilouge: The magic candle
It was a couple of years later when Roderick transform for the first time. Dirk has become Rodericks mate. They make love with each other a couple of times in the mounth. Dirk like to make love when Roderick is in both form even much. But he like it...
The magic candle
Roderick walk threw the streets of the city. He was thinking of nothing, till he hear someone scream. He looks behind him. A group of three guys arround his age, where busy hit a old man. One of them has take his cane and broke it. Roderick run to them...
Friends of the moon, chapter one: The beast of the forrest
It was a cold, snowy day when Duke walks to one of his best friends. When show swirl arround his feets when he walk to the forrest. His friend Speedy lives there on his own for as long Duke can think of it. Even when they met as childeren, he told Duke...
How things happen.
Robin was just a ragular boy. He has black hair, a small body, brown eyes and a good heart. He was honnest and sincere. It was a late night on FurRave event when Robin see something shocking... One of the most populair and loved furs hit someone....
It was a nice, sunshine day when Quin join a visit in the park. He saw childeren swim in the lake, anther buy ice cream and others play on the grassfield. He walks to a bench and sit down. He take his lunch and start to eat. He actually was waiting for...