The start of kairu's story *Part 4 *

7 a clock "beep beep" "ehhh? What? "Suzanne are you up?" her child carer called . "ehhhh I'm Up !!!!!" Suzanne shouted back." well that was a weird dream" Like she always said suzie instead of Suzanne always had weird dream . One night It would be...

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The start of kairu's story *Part 3 *

The Darkness compounds Kairu around and around , Kairu couldn't stop the power that was hurting him . All he could think of the Heart gem . "what was wrong with me?" "What's wrong with my heart" ? Kairu turned hoping the pain would be over soon. The...

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The start of kairu's story *Part 2 *

So once upon a time there was a boy , called Kairu. He was very lonley and he made an imaginery girlfriend. Kairu named her Suzie. She was amazing to him . Kairu was living in japan , however Suzie was english so Kairu moved to england , to look...

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The start of kairu's story

So once upon a time , there was a girl Suzie. She was happy because she got rid of the feeling that she needed someone . She once was walking to her lesson when she saw a boy. Everything around her look like it frozen and her heart was pounding...

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