World descriptions
Religious birdpeople who venerate faenya, they're at roughly a bronze age technology level and fight to maintain their villages against the encroachment of nearby powerful monsters and fire giants.
StrangeOwl chapter 6
My escort and I had been moving for several hours now and I noticed the land becoming hilly and congested with trees and brush. Up ahead loomed the Crooked Man Mountains and about late afternoon we finally reached the base of the mountains. "We will...
StrangeOwl Chapter 7
I cried until I was hoarse from my wailing. I could cry no more. I stared at rubble where the cave entrance had been and truly felt what it was to be alone. I stood up from my knees and climbed back up and after climbing over some of the boulders; I...
StrangeOwl Chapter 2
Chapter 2 I sat there on my knees in the dust, shivering as the wind blew across my body. I did not understand what had happened to me. I stared at my hands...or rather my claws that were in place of my hands. I willed the claws to withdraw and slowly...
StrangeOwl Chapter 5
It is now midmorning and I have packed only what I can carry. I can always make what I need once I get to the Hidden Glen. I am excited and sad all at the same time and I feel a need within me to get moving. I feel an anticipation type feeling and my...
StrangeOwl Chapter 4
Pulling on the robe I hurried towards the camp, my mind flying as fast as my feet were moving. As I entered the camp the people stopped what they were doing and stared. A few hesitantly raised their hands as if to wave and others pulled their children...