She looked down at the cloth in her paw as she added, "what ever fucknuget owns this thing needs to give it a bath. what is this?" she asked as she held up the cloth for him to see. "a weeks worth of
dirt?""that'd be pollen.
American moose, Asshat, Bobcat, Car customization, Clasic cars, Clean, Demolition, Female, Frustration, Fucknuget, Goat boy, Herm, Hermaphrodite, Home remodle, Kangaroo Mouse, Kunckle head, Liger, Liger style flirting, Male, Moose, Mouflon, Mouse, New Job, Otter, Plot Development, Pull over, Redundant tagging, Stress relief, Tagging redundantly, apologies, cars, chinchilla, comforting, explanations, math, motorcycles, police