Gytaroo is a hyjorian the only asexual species in the galaxy that daniel would say looked like a kangaroo. they never took mates and reproduce by budding, only when necessary. "go and get some sleep gytaroo, you've had a long night."
Adreena, Altair, Daniel, GrandMaster, Iris, Julyna, Piloting Skills, Raybia, Rubicant, Sci-Fi, Tygera, Zalina, furry, vortex
_The Rescue..._
_Finding One's True Self: Part 50_
_By Xan Steel_
Once Julyna and Altair got Rubicant and Iris settled into a nice quiet spot in the Mess Hall. Julyna mentally thought to Feros asking him to turn on the environmental controls to her...
Adreena, Altair, Aruroian, Balorian, Breeding, Derlenian, Feros, Gytaroo, Hyjorian, Irina, Iris, Julyna, Kartol, Life Stories, Meditation, Mortora, Phalynian, Raybia, Rubicant, Samantha, Tygera, Tygorian, Zalina, rescuers