A Mental Release that Tears Space-Time
"ah, thank you gytaroo." "ma'am." gytaroo is a hyjorian the only asexual species in the galaxy that daniel would say looked like a kangaroo. they never took mates and reproduce by budding, only when necessary.
Knowing the Path…
gytaroo answered her, "go ahead, captain." "bring the ship to a full stop now." after a few seconds gytaroo came back, "answering full stop captain. whoooa!" "what is it gytaroo?" julyna questioned.
The Needs of the Many...
gytaroo was in hir quarters unsure if shi should start budding or not, if shi did would the offspring even survive? shi was an emotional mess and didn't know who to turn too. 200 meters and 2 seconds until impact.
The Rescue
Altair had told julyna and tygera to get into an escape pod with raybia and gytaroo, as he would see if he could get the transporters working and beam the rest of the crew to one of the other ships.