Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 7

After Alex had come downstairs, she was quiet, not saying a word to anyone in the front room. She briefly conversed with Rylie and Nash before coming out and saying her goodbyes for the night. She started to leave before looking back and seeing me. She...

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 6

Alex tried to continue her day, but the scare visibly shook her. Every time I caught a glimpse of her tail, I couldn't help but feel at fault. She tried to act like she couldn't notice it, but it would rub against the counters whenever she turned. I...

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 9

"What has gotten into you?" Alex laughed as she reached for me. I pulled away, backing myself against the rear wall of my cage. She pulled her hand back and cocked her head. "Why are you running?" I couldn't say anything, and my body acted on fear...

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