An experiment gone wrong? Part 10

You both emerge from the barrier and the scenery left Asriel wide eye breath taken away. You just let him take it all in. Happy that he finally gets to see this after being behind the barrier for so long. You did feel bad that you had to replace the...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 9

When you arrive outside of the area that lead into where you fell years ago, you swear you here whimpering and crying. Letting Asriel down you walk in and see Asgore there with his trident out standing in front of a human child with their Soul in front...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 6

Tears fell down your face, "_I can't do this anymore. I need answers why all this is happening. If what Chara told me was true then I need to put a stop to it today."_You pick up Asriel and place him down on his bed, "_Don't worry Azzy I'm going to...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 5

Morning rolls around and with some final preparation you all head to the barrier room. You give them all one last hug as you proceed through the barrier. Looking over your shoulder one last time see them waving to you. You run forward setting off to...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 4

Morning rolls around, you eat breakfast, and ask Toriel if you could have another day studying the book. You promise tomorrow you'll start working on other things like math, reading, science, history, and writing. She gives you the okay as she heads...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 3

You awoke in the morning facing a sleeping Asriel with his mouth slightly open and drool pooling on the pillow. You couldn't help, but to give a slight chuckle at the sight. You gently with the reflexes of a cat manage to get free from Azzy arms...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 2

As you sleep you dream of the trials and test you went through in the laboratory. You stand at a distance watching a large creature with fangs, horns, and wings enter the domed room you are in. The wings on its back seemed to small to serve any real...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 1

AN EXPERIMENT GONE WRONG? * * * **Welcome and Greeting to everyone,** **Welcome to my story and AU for Undertales, An experiment gone wrong? Not the best title, but I was never really good with coming up with names for stories.** **This little...

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 13

As you returned home Toriel, Frisk, and Asriel welcomed you back. Toriel was glaring at you a little unhappy, "My child, I have been messaging you for the last few hours asking when you would be home, but you haven't replied to any of them. We did...

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Pokemon Mayhem Episode 1

Hello, If your reading this story that I uploaded in 2015 of June I like to welcome you to what is me growing up and writing my first attempt at a story. I know there is a lot of spelling errors, but I wrote this back in when I was 12-13 years...

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An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.9 (Rewrite)

It only takes you a few minute to reach the empty fields where you stumbled across Ellana's home. You walk forward and expect to find yourself standing in front of the stone steps, but nothing happens. You go forward a bit more, but again nothing...

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An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.8 (Rewrite)

Morning came around as you slowly open your eyes, what you see in front of you is a snout belonging to Asriel and his arm draped over you. "_Hmm, I'm having a strange sense of_ _déjà vu. Azzy drooling slightly, check, arm over me, check, sleeping in...

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