The Lion and the Gazelle: Caged

I suspect he's going to grind his junk against the bars... give the crowd a proper show." and the lab did.

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The price of freedom Chapter 2 Dumbcane

Most would never travel down the alleyway, let alone go near anything that was atbandit, most of the residents of iltion were superstitious, they believed that sprits lived in old places and it was best not to disturb them.


The price of freedom chapter 1- Aconite

"ani, i just want to go to sleep." he climbed in to bed and laded down.


Soul of Fire - Chapter 1

I'm going for a drive, a drink, and a smoke. probably in that order. when i get home, then we are going to settle this."

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“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta

I decided to give up and go back into town but just as i was about to leave, a phantump popped up. "perfect timing!" i said with a chuckle and selected it to go into capture mode.

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I can't possibly keep going on like this! my life right now is rocking me to the core! it seems that i'll never again be in bliss...

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Epilogue - Inside Job

"i'll just go home and see how miss cc is doing then, shall i?" he suggested. "you do that." silver said as he turned to focus his attention back to the go board.

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ice's childhood part two

The edge of our home.then he turned around and saw my moms bloody neck and ran after her watching her every move.then she turned and went for the frozen river and the ice was very thin but she didn't care she needed to get help and fast otherwise she was going

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Journey's End

The ninetales was his last now, stubbornly refusing to leave his side even when he offered her a chance to live with others or to go out on her own into the wild. she was at least as old as him, with another nine-hundred years or so to go yet.

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Goodnight Moon lyrics by Go radio!

#42 of that gay goth dog and don't go to bed yet love, i think it's too early and we just need a little time to ourselves if my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning i'll give it hell cause i've been trying way too long to try and

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Charlie's Big Cat Experience

_ way to go, charlie, way to go._ a few minutes later, a group of five lions escorted a larger, more muscular lion, who looked rather important.

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"i just don't want to go. i don't want to leave you again. i want to stay with you," her speech broke between each sob. "i know. i know, it's okay," he said looking over her head into the distance toward the other convention goers milling about.

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