Something to Do
"...Hey, Windy?" Windthor Pryas didn't look up, head bobbing slightly as he played his guitar, earbuds in and connected to the amp nearby. "Windy." The hybrid in question didn't answer until he was given a hard shove, and he flinched, pulling out an...
Auction ~~SnowDragon "The auction starts in an hour." That had been the human's only words before the outer door to the stable had shut tight with an echoing thunk of wood touching on wood rippled throughout the stable itself. And stable was...
Just a Tease
She squirms as he grabbed her, his paws tangling in her hair as he tries to hold her still. His deep probing kisses are mixed with quick, sharp bites. Forcing her against the wall, trapping her tail between her back and the wall, he let his paws wander...
DSOTM: Terms of Service 01
Hir first "client" turns out to be a bondage and orgasm denial fetishist who takes full advantage of their time together...
The Temple of Ishtar
Erika ran her claws through the fur on the back of her neck, the desert was no place for this uniform but Dr Althiem had insisted that during the visit to Iraq she where to wear the full dress uniform of the Ahnenerbe SS, thick black wool more...
Dark Origins: Kralken Four: Part 7: The Interrogation
Jolle uses a unique method to get informatioon from hir prisoner. This story and all the characters within it are the copyright of the author. Dark Origins: Kralken Four: Part 7: The Interrogation Fronas Inais struggled to get free but the...
Two Weeks - 1 Abduction
This is the original story, in all its glory. [There is now a rewrite of it up just over here.](%5C) _This is about my first attempt at writing a story to put online... ever actually. I'm writing it out as things come to mind, so we'll just...
Something Busted, Something Blue
The air was thick with arousal and fear. At the edge of the bed sat a young male dragon, naked in the afternoon heat. He gripped the sheets with white knuckles, sweat glistening on his chest. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and he panted in...
Out of Reach
Out of Reach ~~SnowDragon The snug leather hood pulled over her muzzle was as familiar as the scent of the dragon who's paws had pulled it firmly over her snout. The subtle hum of the ship's power plant disappeared in an instant, while the briefly...
Reining It in (Reupload)
Heiken breathed out a low grumble as he stood on top of the hill, peering across at the other camp perched atop a similar rise. At this distance, he didn't need to worry about any of their bows or even their larger weapons hitting him. With the moon...
Good Pet
"Come on, Pet. Don't you want to please your mistress?" "Mmmmmf... Mmmhmnf!" Adhara moaned through her ball gag and bobbed her head, blindfolded snout cocked a little to pinpoint Mistress's voice. With her hind legs cuffed to her tail and her...
Earning Release
"Mmmm! Mmmmgh..." Adhara groaned as the clover clamp squeezed down on her nipple, its pinch tight and painful and sending a rush of heat through her. She wrenched her arms back and forth in the ropes pinning them behind her back, and gave Marie a...