My Little Pony: To Love a Queen chapter 6

I glared toward the mutt who was talking to me, as I was trapped, hands behind my back, bounded, as well as getting a bit of a rope burn as I rubbed it up and down trying to wiggle out; no effect what so ever. Looking around, the glow of the crystal...

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Return of Nightmares

"we do not have time to walk down memory lane, my little ponies. we must hurry." all my friends stood at attention before the two princesses.

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The adventures of Raptor the argonian

"Wait a second, I think this might be dangerous." An Argonian clad in Daedric armor said, pointing to a cave. "Since when was anything dangerous to you?" Another Argonian, this one wearing ebony armor, asked suspiciously. "I just have a strange...

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Hospitality pt.2

Vaelin sat down against a tree as his husband flew away to look for the source of the strange noise. He didn't much care what it was, as long as it didn't interrupt the nap he intended to take. His legs were quite tired after his journey, not to...

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Glazed Bagel C(ums)omes to Equestria (Plus more filth)

I groan slightly as I slowly open my eyes, bright light blinds me as I push myself off of the wet grass. "Wait, grass?" I mutter turning around and looking around, finding myself in a large open field, though something seemed off, well, aside from...

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Equestrian Afterlife - Ed Lives

"Ow... ow... ow... hurts. My everything hurts." Ed woke up to pain everywhere on his body. He also found that whatever he was laying on was very hot and was just beginning to burn his skin. He opened his eyes and was blinded by the very bright sun in a...

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 7

**Chapter Seven** Dear Princess Celestia, I got some tail! _"Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break."_ I didn't think about it. I was rewarded with a squeal as I drove my hips...

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 6

**Chapter Six** Dear Princess Celestia, Fate's Just a Bunch of Bullshit, Right? _"'Cross my heart, Hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye.' ~ Pinkie Promise"_ The Everfree Forest. It was not a good place to be. I watched the darkness...

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 5

**Chapter Five** Dear Princess Celestia, Does Our Past Define Us? _"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."_ Futurity Champron was curled up under a makeshift tent...

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 4

**Chapter Four** Dear Princess Celestia, Is Greed All We Know? _"If his monstrous ways you wish to impede, you must prevent him from practising greed."_ _SCHREEEeeeeeeEECHH!_ A glowing light burned in the darkness and the green fire of...

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 3

**Chapter Three** Dear Princess Celestia, Are We Our Mistakes? _"Think I'll write about how bein' a good family isn't about bein' perfect as much as it is about bein' able to get through the rough patches together. About bein' able to forgive each...

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 2

**Chapter Two** Dear Princess Celestia, The Wasteland Makes Monsters Of Us All _"Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil...even if it's irradiated."_ The group had become a line outside of New Appleloosa. The town tolerated slavers, but...

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