The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

The adventures of Lisa the vixen: Got to save the Earth by Raven Fox; The LSS Night wing flies to Earth to stop the LSS Nasal. The Nasal is parked over New York City using the city as a shield. The LSS Night being an older ship can't fly in the Earths...

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The Chronicles of Kevin: Part 1

Before you start reading this, I'd like you to know 2 things. 1. My mother tongue is french so if you see many typos or incoherent phrases, please excuse me. 2. This is my first yiffy story. It might not be that great. It was a nice sunny day...

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A matter of change Chapter 4:Not alone...

A matter of change Chapter 4: Not alone... I was running. Running as fast as my feet could carry me. Running like my life depended on it. My eyes darted back and forth looking for a way out, but there was nothing. The dimly lit tunnel...

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Striped collars 2

As the next two days came to pass William knew, with every fibre in his body, that he couldn't hold back his feelings for Jerry any longer. Tonight was their date night and perhaps the start of something more, a relationship. For a moment, he got lost...

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A Dream: Chp 18 Betrayl

A Furry's Dream: Chp 18 Betrayal Folvos's POV The elevator descends down the shaft and opens up to show a big-ish room. At the end of the room there is a pyramid, with the top cut off, coming from the roof and floor. On the top of the pyramids...

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Bringing Back the Dead

So, I've gone back and looked at my stories. I've had popular ones and some not so popular ones and many that aren't finished which is no good. I want to fix that. I've compiled a list of stories that are currently not...

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It's never easy to find a place

I don't own pokemon cause it belongs to nintendo. Not me:P It has been several days since Kenji left Bern's humble abode to find a place to call his own. If knew it was going to this hard he would have actually thought of a better plan then...

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Journey to another world ch29

Journey to Another World 2 Ch. 10 The next few days seemed to pass in a blur. When the blur finally ended we ended up at the entrance to Eterna City. Both Jenavee and Rena looked much stronger and their was some weird looking girl just tailing...

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Journey to another world ch26

Journey to Another World 2 Ch. 7 Just as I thought. The whole entire night, both Rena and Jenavee were fighting over me. Whenever Rena would wrap a leg over mine, Jenavee would kick it away. Then Rena would wrap her tail over me and Jenavee...

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Journey to another world ch21

Journey to Another World 2 Ch. 2 So after checking the map one more time we walked outside the Pokemon center. I walked over to a bench at the edge of the street and sat down. Jenavee sat on my right while Rena jumped up onto my lap. I could...

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Journey to another wold ch20

Journey to Another World 2 Ch. 1 The next day I got up early and went down stairs to grab some breakfast. While down there I started to think on how I was going to get a Feebas to evolve into a Milotic and how to get Rena over her fear of...

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Journey to another wold ch19

Ch. 19 And with that the dream ended. I opened my eyes to see a young trainer shaking me. "Hay ok?" I looked at the kid. He seemed to be a couple years younger than me. "Ya kid. I was just having a conversation with my...

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