Deep Horizons

There are some harbor seals and even a pod of dolphins here but at most they will probably just want to have a good look at you. and maybe not even that.

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Chapter 8: First Salvo

"the captain told us not to say anything or do anything stupid but our three harbor seals made a run for it. they caught woodie and shot him to pieces in the water but howie and mike got away.

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Zootopia: First Salvo part 6

We were able to speak to the two harbor seals who were fortunate to escape. it seems clear that the kzinti brutally murdered a fox, took the rest of the crew and sank the pacesetter.

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Zoootopia: First Salvo Chapter 5

The exact location of the pacesetter when she was pounced upon is unclear because the vessel was lost and the recovered harbor seals are still very weak and unable to help us at the one who told us he saw a fox being "skewered" alive on a pike

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Silverfox 03

See some killer whales, harbor seals, sea lions ... and there's ... miniature world, and madame tussard's." "miniature world," he repeated, skeptically. "sure! they've got these great dioramas of .... stuff." oh, shit, she thought.

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Jahaliya: Port of Cum (novella)

Some even went further with a harbor seal stealing a kiss from one stoat, who immediately started spitting at such forwardness. "pituee! your mouth tastes like rotten fish!" a stoat blurted in pique. "what?

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