thordani race stats

To use this speed, you can't be wearing heavy armor. keen sight: you have advantage on perception checks that rely on sight. polydexterous: you can use your feet as additional hands, counting as off hands for the sake of combat.

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Tyler the Dragon, chapter 1

Deleria has to fight 5 waves of 4 normal dummies and 3 heavy armored dummies. all four normal dummies carry a sword and shield, one of the heavy armored dummies long swords, two carry battle axes.

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Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 003

The leader in heavy armor shouted out to encourage his companions and demoralize the guards, though the words only caused kaels rage to burn.

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"Crowing", Long view (Pt 2/2)

Whatever you found must be worth two helicopters and three vans of heavy armor rolling." "heavy armor?!?" banjo yelped. "what the fuck?!?" "get your cameras over there." mauzer said. "can you stall mti?"

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Lurking in the Mud - Wrestling Duel

The field-mouse from the dragon clan stayed to talk with the crane and scorpion witnesses, whilst kyuzo helped takuya to strip out of his heavy armour.

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One Memorable Journey Pg.8

They encountered not heavy armor infantry but mechanized infantry: something even they can't properly deal with without the right equipment." the general pressed another button and the holo screen switched to display a four sided view of the same armor.

Leo and Tigress Chapter 1 Leo

There heavy armor was hot to the touch. "men! follow me! then when we get out we show these kitties who are there dominate is!" they charged through the fire. metal clanking against metal.

Miharra's Battle

The leader of this group, a man clad in heavy armor touched with gold and etched with runes, stepped forth and bellowed out. "miharra kantae!!!


Only Human (Chapter 5)

Well, the closest to a run he could manage in such heavy armor, which was still impressive.

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Chapter 3: Revenge

I gulped, as i saw skeletons, wearing heavy armor. i realized that i wasn't the first one to try to kill the dragon, so i was very aware of everything. the walls of the cave were smooth and a bit wet. that tunnel led me to a much bigger room.

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"heavy weapons, draconic arts, heavy armor, and adventuring." slay had always shown interest in unleashing his inner draco-powers. "how bout you rylee?" slay said as he nudged her with his shoulder.

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