The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 18
The cleric's eyes glazed over her artificial legs, fear gripping the heart at the sole memory of that horrid experience.
Stuck in Orbit: Family Reunion Chapter 1
And the funny thing is that the whole horrid experience all started with a little inconspicuously piece of paper. but, i think i'm getting ahead of myself aren't i? it'd be better if i started right from the beginning.
Agonizing Imprissonment
He wasn't there, and for all i knew he wasn't looking for me, let alone it was because of him that i was being tortured and put through these horrid "experiments" and examinations.
Sexual Chronicles (i): The Nightmare Begins
Each shove back into mat's cock caused the tigress' tightly wrapped breasts to bounce in delight despite the horrid experience down her mouth.