Knight of Toad Town 4 - The Hidden Treasure

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, roy macgregor and finalgamer to me the fire brigade came first to the scene, a duo of red trucks with thick hoses as a team of toads, koopas and lakitus dealt with the flames safely.

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Knight of Toad Town 2 - The Good Samaritan

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, roy macgregor and finalgamer to me "so let me get this straight," said the sergeant, "you pursued a citizen to the docks whereby you then saw him bribe a dockworker to grant passage onto his

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Knight of Toad Town 1 - The Unjust Steward

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, roy macgregor and james kennidon to me it had been the strangest four months for roy macgregor, finding himself in an ideal world that felt like something a child would have dreamt.

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The Rising Fallen Star 8 - Kaelan

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, finalgamer to me james had been oddly quiet for the last week of his recovery.

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The Rising Fallen Star 5 - Koopa-Bloopa

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, finalgamer to me while on his off-day around a week after shybert had narrated his tale of sarasaland, roy went to check up on koopin and james at their house hearing the sounds of a groggy raptor one mild morning.

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Latexed Lugia 2.5: Rubber Lovers

The idea is from the gamecube game "paper mario: the thousand-year door" when you blew aside similar parts of the scenery with a wind spirit teammate called "flurrie" (she needs to work out \*smirk\*).)

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The Rising Fallen Star 3 - Charlie

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo "so, you having a good day?" _"yesh, very shunny, lotsh of good shmellsh today!"_ "hmhmhahah, no plans later on?"

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Knight of Toad Town 3 - The Friend at Night

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, roy macgregor and finalgamer to me _roy rushed over to where sher t. now laid, weakly stirring into consciousness as he stared up towards the ceiling of the cargo hold._ _"hey, s'alrigh', you

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The Rising Fallen Star 7 - His Name Was...

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, finalgamer to me james staggered slightly into the house, sighing with a chesty cough sputtering from his throat harshly as his chest fluttered beneath his shirt.

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Knight of Toad Town - The Rich Fool

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, roy macgregor and james kennidon to me _the sound of wings.

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The Rising Fallen Star 6 - Fifty-Seven

paper mario copyrighted to nintendo, finalgamer and co. to me another day in the mushroom kingdom, as roy macgregor went down to check on the kennidon household as usual.

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