The Birth of a Nation - Chapter 1 *Not done*

This story and it's series will contain very little sex, if any. This series will contain violence, plot twists, sadness, hardship, and pain. If this style of story does not appeal to you, the do not read it. I do not suggest this for younger...

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Work in Progress Section 2

Please, do post comments about what you think of this! I'd like to know what you think of the story so far before I post up the entire thing. ^.=.^ Anyway, here are the next two pages: ------------- All around him, fine art hung from the walls...

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Elements: Ice [WIP]

So I was sitting in Starbucks (surprise surprise) when I decided to start typing out the beginning of a new story I had swimming around in my head. What you see below is what I managed to get out before I stopped and realized something, I was creating...

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The booming bass of dubstep boomed and thrummed through the workshop, making any passerby glance towards the double-paned, plexi-glass security door leading to Nethaniel's "office." The rows of weapons encased in hard foam were all covered by heavy...

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The anger within

ill try my hand at another story. noone seemed to like my first so hopefully this one is better. x3 ---------------------- ---------------------------- ...

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The Job interview

"I'm sorry Mr. Kumin, but I simply can't hire you," the doctor said. I was a little ticked off at this. I knew he needed someone to buy into his practice or even an assistant and I was more than qualified. "Thank you for your time," I said, holding...

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novel prologue-ch2

Prologue How did this happen? I found myself lying in a pool of my own blood, life fading from my eyes. Those bastards broke in to my home, in trying to save my family and protect my property. I was in my early 20s and to die like this is abhorrent. I...

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Chapter 1

Two years have passed sence the horrible day when the young wolves lost there parents and they all still remeber the day vividly. The young wolves have traviled for a long long time trying to get as far as possible from there old land. The young wolves...

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Work-end out of sight

I think that you could call this an essay. :S I wrote it an afternoon when I was really fed up with homework and "important" meetings etc. I was kindof mad at real life and wanted to dwell in the arts, but had no time for it :-/ Enjoy and feel free to...

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Work (TWC ch2)

Once the cramps in her arms and legs had mostly faded the work actually felt pleasant enough. having something to do was significantly better than the hibernative state she had been in before.

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My work

Today I am tired, Because I got fired, And now I have nothing to do. I have no money, My boss thinks it's funny, And my brother laughs at me too! But I've got hope, And that's all I need, For me to someday be in the lead...

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Home Sweet Farm chapter 3 "A New Friend, A New Employee

Home Sweet Farm Chapter 3 The goons seemed tough but on the inside there were nothing but wimps they wouldn't use that knife on him. Kevin raised up his arm to deflect the blow of the blades. On impact they both created two deep cuts on the arm but...

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