Time for a Change - Part 5

Jenny rushed to the door and flung it open, expecting the calm, reassuring sight of a sober-suited government Event task force member. "Oh, thank god you're here..." she began. However she suddenly noticed that things were not quite as she had pictured...

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Time for a Change – Part 4

Jenny shook her head and sat down in front of the TV again, banishing naughty thoughts from her mind for now. She grabbed the phone again and dialled the government hotline. It seemed like the most sensible option, as if this did not go away, or got...

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Time for a Change – Part 3

Jenny bit her lip as her hand poked at her new additions; first the ears, then the horns. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to go to work like this. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to go out like this. She quickly...

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Time for a change – Part 2

The next morning Jenny woke with a bit of a headache, concentrated at the front of her skull. Barely conscious, she slapped her beeping alarm to turn it off and fiddled for one of the aspirin she'd left by the side of the bed in case the ache from last...

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Time for a change – Part 1

Jenny hurried back to her flat quickly. The night seemed to be getting colder, and she had the beginnings of a headache. She ended up blowing her nose and shivering before she opened her door and slipped inside. Her choice of clothing had not helped;...

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Superhero Setting - History

**History** No setting is complete without a long, alternate-history document. This is the one for this setting! :D I will also provide another detailing the Superhero Bureau (SB) and Radicals (government licensed heroes and street-heroes...

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Daylight Case Files – Part 5

Much as I would like to gather some more information, I have a feeling I will be up against a legal dead end at this point. If the work was carried out by a noble house then I can't simply send out a request that they contact me with this guy's specs....

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Daylight Case Files – Part 4

Well, the easiest way to tell how legit this killer is will be to see if there is any record of his augmentation. I start putting in calls to the Surgical District to see if there were any major gang-clashes in the surrounding lower-areas, or a...

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Daylight Case Files – Part 3

Well, information is the key to breaking any case. Sure, a spree-serial is likely to strike at any time, and one as prolific as this is not going to keep to our schedule, but still the adage holds up. I start sending out commands and requests for...

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Daylight Case File – Part 2

It makes sense to me to go to the latest scene. I tap in a few commands to the console to make sure the crews know to expect me. With that done I dress, throwing my greatcoat on over an anti-stab vest. My lapel is heavy with service and commendation...

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Daylight Case File – Part 1

I click on the link for the spree-serial. Best to nip an issue like this in the bud before it gets too bad. The killings all took place last night and early this morning on the border with my jurisdiction and the Surgical District. My district is the...

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Daylight Casefile – Part 0

The chirping tone of my alarm lifts me out of a dreamless sleep. I slap blindly in the direction of the sound until I hit one of the buttons and it ceases, for now. Sitting up I rub a paw across my eyes and give a groan. I roll onto my side for a...

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