Leo's Life - Chapter 2

## Chapter 2 - Crash and Burn The bright white walls and floors bounced every inch of light around the airport, making everything much brighter than it should be. Leo walked away from the security checkpoint with his gray, rolling carry-on trailing...

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Leo's Life - Chapter 3

Four months had passed since Leo moved to LA. His apartment was now filled with furniture and it actually looked like someone lived there. His clothes were packed away in the closet and underneath his bed; some even were in the bottom drawers of the...

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Leo's Life- Chapter 6

Two weeks had passed and Leo was nearly back to normal. His chest still hurt every so often but, it wasn't something he couldn't handle. Most of his cuts had started to fade and his bruises were already gone. He healed a bit faster than normal, which...

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Leo's Life - Chapter 5

As the sun began to set Leo and Nate were both in their own apartments. Leo sat on his bed with his legs crossed in front of him, Indian style. His back leaned against the wall and he stared off into the apartment. He sat there pondering everything. He...

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Leo's Life - Chapter 8

The night sky began to fade away as the sun attempted to peak over the horizon of the LA valley. The clouds covered the city from the storm that had ended hours ago making the sky nothing but shades of gray. The morning air was slightly cool for the...

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Leo's Life - Chapter 7

Leo's heart raced faster than it ever had before as it fluttered in place. It didn't feel like it was going to stay in his chest long though, it felt as if it were about to burst out of his chest like an alien. His breath was taken right out of him and...

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Leo's Life - Chapter 4

"And cut! That's a wrap everyone, great work today." The director shouted from the other room. He was sitting in a chair staring into a monitor. He looked up at his actor, Leo, who was standing behind the kitchen island. Lights stood on stands creating...

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Leo's Life - Chapter 1

It was a cold March morning on Long Island, just outside New York City. The ground was covered in a white coating of snow; about four inches fell the night before. The cars were covered, the roads were barely touched, and the sidewalks were nearly...

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