An unexpected end

Tora's forces had shrunk to alarming levels. The last gang fight lasted too much and was extremely cruel as well. They were also betrayed, so many of his comrades ended up in prison. He and a couple of other men managed to escape the...

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The birth of the wolf

The horse ran like a bolt through the forest. The silhouettes of the trees' branches distorted and mingled at the knight's eyes due to the speed. He was close to the animal, stuck to its neck so they do not slow down. Both panted heavily...

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The Fall of the Elvish Kingdom

The elves fell upon the orcish tribes that settled by the beginning of autumn. It was a fast and furious campaign that lasted until winter, where orcs, despite their strength and the fact of being a warrior race by nature, had no chance against the...

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Day II: the Rope of Strength

Derek saw his reflection on the water surface of the pond and he could not help but feel depressed. He had enlisted in the army a month ago, but no matter how hard he worked, he only managed to gain some muscle tone in his slender, dragon-like body....

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Day I: Lost Bet

"This is so dumb," muttered Dylan, the dog wearing glasses, as he took off his clothes. Some minutes ago, he just lost a bet with his friends. As a punishment, he had to wear only a jockstrap and take a picture to prove it. His friends had even given...

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The Ascension of the Dragon

It was the first days of September, summer was giving way to fall, and the summer heat was still being felt, but already some of the trees began to change their green clothes for more ochre and copper. The fruits were ripening, and the harvests were...

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Monster queens' chronicles. Chapter I "The wolf general"

Walter received glares full of horror wherever he went in those recondite areas, but they changed immediately to faces full of hopes and gratitude when he explained the reason for his travel, which made his face to cheer up. He was a paladin of the...

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The shadow within

The Éirean Magic Academy was in total chaos when Nayar Leng arrived. Windows were smashed, tables and chairs were scattered over the floor, and the walls showed evidence of significant impacts, not to mention the bodies of his colleagues. They were...

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"You better hope that I don't fail this test" the big rhino threatened the little otter "Or you'll know what I'm capable of". "I assure you, you won't" the small otter stammered. From all the meatheads of the school why did he have to help Ryan, that...

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