The Visitor

The rain fell heavy, Sky dark and gloomy with no happiness to it. The dead land burnt from the fire that was now just embers. Trees only coal, grass destroyed and the only sign of animal life was the skeletons left. The rain was deafening, falling...

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Lion on a Tiger. A Madagascar love story.

Alex stood in Vitalys carridge looking at the photographs of the handsome tiger. He had imagined so many things he wanted to do to that hot russian. But he was too afraid. What if Vitaly felt creeped out by him, what if everyone hated him if he came...

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The 11:25 to Perth.

Cyrus woke, The comforts of sleep drifting away and the real life feeling started to kick in. You know the feeling of having to get out of the warm bed you are in and go to work. The lion shifted, turning his head to look out the large sliding doors...

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