The 11:25 to Perth.

Story by The Prince Kovu on SoFurry

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#2 of A Flying 'Sex'cess

Hello everyone.

Part two of my Flying "Sex"cess.

Hope you all enjoy it however it is a short story this part. Im also tired and have been drinking some really nice wine, so there may be a few spelling errors. I certainly hope not, but there might be.

So, next week we have more stories up and coming. Stay tuned.

As always watch, vote, fav and most of all, comment on how I can improve, what I should do next, general compliments, etc.

Hope you are all well.

Love you guys and gals.

Kovu out.

Cyrus woke, The comforts of sleep drifting away and the real life feeling started to kick in. You know the feeling of having to get out of the warm bed you are in and go to work.

The lion shifted, turning his head to look out the large sliding doors made of glass that went out onto the balcony of the apartment. The city still in darkness. It was only 5:00am. Lights shining along roads and up buildings yet the place seemed dead. The sun still about an hour away and not having to go to work till 10 meant the lion could stay in bed a while longer.

Rolling over to look at the fox, Cyrus was puzzled when he didn't see James laying next to him.

"James?" he asked quietly.

Feeling a gentle nudge between his legs, Cyrus lifted the bed covers to reveal the fox, his muzzle buried in the lions crotch, cuddling in whilst he slowly woke. James had turned himself around completely and was now head to toe with the lion. Cyrus chuckled and lowered the covers.

"Well, that will be a night to remember" Cyrus cooed, thinking back to what the two had done last night.

James just moaned and licked the lions sheath. Sending small shivers between Cyrus's legs.

"mm, James, you know how to wake a lion up" he said, putting a paw on the back of the foxes head and pushing it into his crotch. His penis had swollen a little and peeked out of its sheath. James continued to lick it until it hardened and slipped completely free of its sheath. Wrapping his lips around it and sucking gently.

"Well" Cyrus said, in a tone that seemed to ignore his sexual treatment. "Our flight is at 11:25, we should be in Perth by 1:50pm. So we could go out for lunch. I know a nice place there".

James took his muzzle off of the lion and turned around, now facing Cyrus and smiling, cuddling him and pulling him closer. Both their members rubbing together.

"Sounds good, and I think we should have dinner on one of those river boat restaurants" James said. "But for now, lets focus on something else" the fox exclaimed, sliding a sneaky paw around behind the lion and rubbing up and down his back. He then leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips, the lion kissing back and pushed his tongue into the foxes muzzle.

"You have a fine ass" Cyrus said, putting his paw on the foxes cheeks and squeezing them slightly.

"Yours are not to bad either" James chuckled.

Cyrus grabbed James's arm that was behind him and lowered it down towards his rump. "Have a feel if you want" the lion smirked.

James blushed a little, but gently ran his paw down and grabbed Cyrus's ass cheeks and squeezed them, the soft fur on them tickling him.

"Like what you feel" Cyrus teased, "How about you get more adventurous"

"What do you mean?" James questioned,

"I mean, have a feel inside me" Cyrus smirked again.

James just smiled and ran his paw up under the lions tail and slowly circled his tail hole, he then pressed a finger into the lions ass, Cyrus moaning straight away, his tight ring clenching to the finger.

"Ooh, you are tight" James giggled,

"Yeah, I haven't had anything go in there in a while." Cyrus moaned.

"Well, lets fix that shall we" James said as he withdrew his paw and rolled onto the lion, crawling backwards and leaning in to have his muzzle right up against the lions ass. Extending his tongue, James started to lick around Cyrus's pucker, dribbling saliva over the tight hole and pushing his oral organ against the lions butt. Slowly his tongue started to slip into the lions hole. Cyrus moaning out loud again, feeling the fox enter him sent shivers through him. Wanting more, he put his paw on the foxes head and pulled it closer, forcing the muzzle closer and tongue deeper.

"Fuck that feels good" Cyrus swore.

James pulled his tongue out, happy with the amount of saliva in and around the now loosened hole. He moved himself forward, leaning his thighs in, James aimed his erect cock at the lions butt and smiled.

"Do you want more treatment?" he smiled, almost innocently.

"Hell yeah"

James pushed his hips forward and his cock slid into the lion, instantly being greeted with tight clenches and warm flesh. Cyrus tensed his muscles in a way that it made it seem like his ass was sucking in the cock. Deeper and deeper the fox pushed, his girth separating the anal walls of the lion. Cyrus and James both moaning in harmony. James starting to pump in and out of the tight ass. Stopping at his knot so Cyrus would not suffer pain.

"Fuck me, this is intense" Cyrus muttered through his panting and giggles of pleasure. The lion not used to being the one getting mounted.

"Enjoying it?" James asked speeding up the pace a little.

"Yeah, Its...... great... really ple..... pleasuring." the lion managed to say through stifled moans.

The two of them continued for a while, James pumping himself in and out and in and out of the lions anus. The warm confines being a perfect place to hold his cock.

"Fuck, I think I am gonna blow" the fox said, in a sly and pleased manner.

"Fill me" Cyrus begged, not usually the begging type but thought he would do it now, just to increase the pleasure of his partner. Tensing his ass and squeezing on the cock deep inside him.

"Fuck, that's it, I'm... CU... CU.... CUM,,,,,CUMMING!!" James yelled as he released his load into the lion, filling his bowls with semen. The warm cum satisfying Cyrus as he pushed back against James.

"OOHH, your cock is so good mate, push it deeper"

"Are you sure, my knot will hurt"

"Go ahead, I can take it"


James pushed harder, still cumming in Cyrus, his knot slowly started to disappear between the lions cheeks, Cyrus moaning louder as it entered him. His anal walls stretching and the cum starting to run out of him.

Descending from his climax, James stopped pushing and let himself catch his breath.

"Wow, that was.. intense."

"Yeah it was" the lion smiled, the warm cock still inside him, keeping him cosy.

"Well I guess its your turn" James said as he pulled out and rolled the lion over.

Cyrus just laid back, his erection standing full mast, for all the world to see, pre dripping down it.

The fox leaned in to it, sniffing it and then licking from the base and all the way to the tip where he licked around the small hole at the top. The lion giggling as it tickled him. James laughed and then bobbed down, impaling his head on the lions thick girth. Tasting the pre and feeling the barbs rub the inside of his mouth and along his tongue.

Up and down he bobbed, sending pleasure through Cyrus's loins, the fox cupped and squeezed the lions balls gently to feel the amount of cum he was about to be fed. Pre still leaking into his muzzle, tasting sweet and having a tang of saltiness.

"Fuck, Im about to cum" The lion warned.

Sucking harder, James took the entire length into his muzzle. Swallowing around it and pressing his nose against the lions pubic fur. Inhaling Cyrus's scent and squeezing his balls. Trying his best to get the lion off.

"Fuck, that's it, your mouth is gonna be flooded" Cyrus pushed his paw down onto James's head and caused him to gag. Letting off with huge gushes of cum erupting out of his cock. His lion semen filling the young foxes muzzle, the taste strong and musky. Gooey and warm. The fox slurped it all up.

"Hmm, that was delicious" James smirked,

"Well, they do say lion sperm is good for you" Cyrus teased.

"Yeah, I have heard that. I need to get a few jars of the stuff, Lion cum certainly does me good" James laughed, leaning down again to lick across the now limp cock, slurping the last bit of cum off of the lions pubic fur.

"Anyway" Cyrus said, moving to get out of bed and get dressed. "We have a plane to fly"

"Sure do, and then lunch later on" James smiled, starting to fall in love with the wonderful lion he met yesterday.

"So, do wanna have a shower?" the lion chuckled.

A Warm and Cozy Place to Sleep.

Kovu's eyes opened, The darkness blinding him. Night had sunk over the land hours ago and now the early morning was coming. His night with the King and Kopa had been, different to say the least. The sex had been long, exciting and filled with immense...

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Williamtown to Melbourne. A new friend

5:00 am. The green numbers on the alarm clock next to his bed almost stinging Cyrus's eyes. The sound of the alarm screeching at him to wake. It was to early for this shit. But he had to wake. Moaning and grunting with displeasure, the lion slapped...

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Sons under the Stars

The day was getting late, The sun starting to paint the sky a great pink and orange. No clouds in sight and the promise of stars were almost certain. There was a calmness to the air, Still and quiet. The Pride was settling down closer to Pride Rock,...

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