The Moonweaver Chronicles part 16

After what felt like an hour of walking about our camp, I came to a decision. It was clear that there was no getting through this ordeal without fighting. Also, if the creature here was the phoenix from before, in a state strong enough to completely...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 15

When I woke up, I immediately sensed that there were more people here than there had been when I went to sleep. I opened my eyes and realized a few things. First was that Rin had set Mazurek and I down on the large bed together. The second was that...

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THe Moonweaver Chronicles part 14

By the time we finally got the wolf tied up, it was roughly midday. The other one wasn't really in good enough shape to make the trip back with us. I doubted he would even last the next hour. They really shouldn't have tried to just grab us like they...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 13

"I regret to inform you." The first one said, "That we will not be backing down. Give up and we can take you with us while you're still unscathed." "Don't bother..." The second one told the first, he summoned a scythe, around which magic circles began...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 12

"We are going with you." Vincent and Rin told us all in unison. We had gotten up a while ago and Vincent had cooked up strange looking dishes that we all tore into and enjoyed. I began choking from the joy, which made me realize that choking is pretty...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 11

My eyes opened to a giant red snake, its eyes were glowing blue and judging by what I could make out, its fangs had sunk into my shoulders. I tried to struggle but a creature holding the snake was also holding my body down. Rin pressed her hand onto...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 10

A flash silver was all I saw before a blade sliced right through Rin's book. I hadn't even noticed her opening it. The book had been split down the center, right in half, the halves floating in what seemed like slow motion in my shocked state, they...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 9

I didn't really remember many of the events that lead to me being in the comfortable bed. I remember a naga woman, I had been laying against her. Several things caught my eye as I looked around. There was a nest of eggs, I recalled laying them. The...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 8

I woke up from a blissful dreamless slumber. By my side was the most gorgeous naga I had ever laid eyes on. It wasn't just her natural beauty either, the moment my eyes travelled downward along her elegant, slender frame, I noticed that she was...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 7

Here I found many a civilization. They weren't very advanced, but definitely enough that they were able to able to form a city or town or whatever they were going to refer to it as. Adorning the outside were demonic repelling sigils. "Raptyr, I need...

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 6

The ordeal that I had just gone through with the phoenix had been a tiresome one. There was nowhere around us for miles by the look and smell of things which suited me just fine. This place was lightly forested and Raptyr had settled down for a nap in...

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Highschool Love: Hospitality

Alkain can't help but pant as we finally reach the pool, too exhausted to blush properly from all the looks we are getting in these skimpy thongs, "Why's... The pool... Gotta be... So faaaaar..." he whines a little, but can't help but meep from a kick...

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