Chocolate for Dad

Chocolate for Dad Happy Father's Day! Before you read on, I must warn you cubs that this is a special present for daddy. That means you need to go to your room and play with your toys while he opens it up. Bet you've heard that before. I must also...

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Anything to Start a Family

Anything to Start a Family You know the drill. Cubs and kits get off your diapers and make for the exit. You know who you are. Same for those who don't have a particular taste for fighting, masturbation, impregnation, threesomes, or what you might...

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Zoorama Issue 1

Zoorama Issue 1 Emergency News Bulletin Readers, may I have your attention please. Will miners and yiff haters, please stand up and leave. I repeat, will the miners and yiff haters, please stand up and leave. Thank you. Also, I would like...

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Chocolate for Mom

Chocolate for Mom Kittens, be gone! This is no place for you to be. Also for those who dislike prostitution, milf, yiff, chocolate, or any combination of the four, I would recommend you not dwindle. Seriously, this story's got plenty of it. In...

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She Deserves Better

She Deserves Better Away with all you young cubs, you do not have the maturity level to read this material. The same goes for those who are disgusted with the concept of fighting, depression, and yiffing. Close the door on your way out. If you're...

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