the new guardians part six

LOSC: The New Guardians part 6 As the sun rises in the east over the city of Warfang as the city as it awakins with a buzz for the canidite exams were here finally and the city's merchant quater was alive with activity so the shops and...

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the new guardians part five

LOSC: The New Guardians part 5 Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Spyro characters or the songs stated in here, but I do own Nightstream, Slipstream, the mystieus black dragon, Ichara, Flara, Shocta, and Spark, and Shocker. Warning: if...

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the new guardians part four

LOSC: The New Guardians part 4 Dawn came and woke a middle aged silver wind dragon resting on a small cliff plateau. He yawned and stretched in a cat-like manner, this dragon is a small dragon for his age which is common for wind dragons due...

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then new guardians part three

LOSC: The New Guardians part 3 "What did you just say dad?" Asked Cynder and her father Terrador held her at arm's length, "you and Spyro have been missing for four years since the day you saved us all from Malefor we thought both of you...

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the new guardains chapter two

LOSC: The New Guardians part 2 It was just a normal night in Warfang city, Cyril was doing a routine patrol along the wall when the ground starts to rumble, and houses shops and smithies start to crumble. Trying to stay standing but failing...

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new guardians part one

LOSC: The New Guardians Part 1 Four years have passed since the defeat of Malefor's defeat at the core of the world and the dissapreance of Spyro and Cynder, now at the remains of Cynder's old castle Demetrius is planning his next move. ...


chapter 22

Chapter 22 "Is he alive?" "Can I eat him if he's dead?" "No you can not eat him!" "Aww man." "Shut it both of you he's waking up!" Shadowheart groaned awake hearing these voices speak as he woke up. What was going on? Last he remembered was a...

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Chapter 21

Chapter 21 "Remember...Let me do the talking. The wind king will not take this news lightly." Marshal warned Slipstream and Nightstream, before the guards pushed the massive doors to the citadel throne room. Upon the booming sounds of the door...

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Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Shadow had stayed up all night thinking trying to find a reason to stay...other than Teza, and he couldn't. Closing his eyes shadow decided to try and track that mass of shadows he had fought. Early into the night after the other...

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chapter 19

LOSC: 19 Clouds slowly slid silently in the night sky above the forests of Avalar. Almost as silently a pair of cheetahs moved through the foliage on patrol. Their eyes able to use what little light they were given to scan around them. Hearing...

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Chapter 18

LOSC:The New Guardians Part 18 The following days er the attack on the great dragon city of warfang, the city rebuilds and buries the ones lost defending her. Ignitus lead the prayers for the lost, while Terridor hunted the remnants of...

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