Clarity - Chapter 23: The Matchmaker's Respite

Another work week, long since put behind me. The city streets at sunset, a perfect view from the buses. It's Friday night, and there's only one thing that means to me: Ladies' Night, of course~ Really, how can any of us be expected to work at the...

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Clarity - Chapter 22: An Offering of Petals

Ah, the Monday workday. A welcome return to the familiar after a weekend of transporting and assembling furniture. With all that taken care of, my new place should at least have the basics. A bed, a table, and a sofa. Could do with a few more chairs,...

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Clarity - Chapter 21: Windfall

"I said, 'Do you want the house, Bonnie?' Not much to mix up there, I assure you." What exactly is happening? I took this call with him, and I was expecting to just get our bank accounts figured out, maybe split up some of the stuff in the house...

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Clarity - Chapter 20: Long Time Coming

"...gah, just how long are ya gonna keep this up, Clover?!" "As long as it takes to get that fur looking utterly pristine, charmer! ...Jill, how's that blush going?" "J-Just fine, hehee... adorable, even." I've got no clue how long I've been...

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Clarity - Chapter 19: Empty Nest

Well then. Another work week is drawing to a close. Forms filed away, spreadsheets maintained and filled out, and all sorts of questions and referrals taken care of. Managed to pull off yet another little scheme over the past week and a half, as well,...

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Clarity - Chapter 18: Through the Cracks

In my addled state, I'm unsure I heard any of that correctly. The stammering, the qualifiers, the overzealous care in the process of trying to present it as neutrally as possible, all of it must have jumbled together in a bowl of word salad. I know...

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Clarity - Epilogue: The Future, Past, and Everyday

Eggs, duly whisked. Milk, the perfect amount splashed in on instinct. A swift pour into the hot skillet, and all that's left is a dash of the seasonings and the prepared vegetable mixture. Gloves still secure...? Yes, perfect. Now, carefully keep an...

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Clarity - Chapter 14: Last Meal

The buses, though reliable, take long enough to get across the city that all I'm left with is my thoughts. Thoughts, racing against each other like it's a competition, each forcing themselves to the forefront when they see the others try to take the...

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Clarity - Chapter 1: Bones Long Buried

The chilly breeze outside meets my face suddenly, refreshing yet a bit bothersome. The neighborhood scenery passes by without a thought paid to it. Nothing really happens here, save for the occasional shouts of children at play in a yard or two. That...

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Clarity - Prologue: Everyday Reality

Eggs, duly whisked. Careful with the milk and sour cream; whisk it together smoothly, add slowly until it's just enough. Add cheese, mix again. Does it look right...? ...yes, but check again before the final step. Gloves need to stay secure. No fur can...

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Clarity - Chapter 12: From Here On

When I first come to, everything feels hazy; leftover thoughts from the scattershot dreams I'd had are left looping in my mind against my wishes, and I begin to realize there's no hope of getting any more sleep like this. With that settled, I redouble...

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Clarity - Chapter 11: Sunshower

God, it feels nice to be done with my work early for once. No more coworkers checking with me to see if my updates are done and committed, no more wrestling with several different kinds of janky work programs, and no more just... everything. The...

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