Failed Containment: Chapter 16- The Rescue

Alexander steeled himself. Hathaway's bone weapons looked like they could put some extreme hurt on him. Luckily, she didn't seem to be bearing any manner of fire-based offense, so Alex was sure his regeneration factor would serve him well. He also...

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Failed Containment- Chapter 15: The Tarantula Project

Zeig floated through an endless black void. He remembered the blood. The lancing pain was only brief, and indeed, his mind retreated into the merciful unconsciousness before he could suffer for too long. For that, at least, Zeig was grateful. What the...

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Failed Containmet: Chapter 14- The Incubator Project

The moon settled over the modest town of Warwick, Rhode Island. A silvery gray 2003 Toyota Corolla barreled down the street, followed closely by three black vans. All four vehicles raced along at eighty miles per hour. Rubber screamed as every turn...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 23- The Prices We pay

The Squirrel Professor Hathaway sat huddled in a far corner of her holding cell. A bloody pile of shredded meat and bone lie before her, red splashed over every corner of the wall. It had been weeks. She lasted for weeks, but she had finally did it....

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Failed Containment- Chapter 5: Specimen Contact

Alexander watched the pair of girls sleep on the dusty furniture. The two keys to his rescue, Sophie slept soundly enough that Alexander had to periodically check if she was producing heat just to make sure she didn't perish. She laid unmoving, her...

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Failed Containment- Chapter 4: Project Gladius

Alexander carried Sophia swiftly out of the feeding area and into the hall beyond the doorway. He used several of his tentacles to pull his mass along as he maintained his grip on Sophia. He would keep his word and make sure she survived as well....

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Failed Containment- Chapter 3: Escape In Progress

Alexander awoke to a flurry of heat signatures around him. Reshifting his eyes, he gazed about the room. The first thing that greeted his vision were steel bars. He sat in a sizable cage that seemed to be the central display to the lab. Almost every...

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Failed Containment- Chapter 1: Containment Breach

Deep beneath the grounds of Site 24, a sleek squirrel girl swiped a plastic card through a scanner, causing the steel door in front of her to slide open. "Professor Hathaway, clear for entry into Interrogation Room Six." came a voice of the PA...

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Failed Containment- Chapter 2: Unauthorized Data Access

"You know that is highly unprofessional, Miss Breyer." came a gruff, unamused voice. Melissa's eyes went wide as she hastily stood up from her chair, hastily shutting down her monitor in a futile attempt to hide her embarrassment. Her golden fur...


Failed Containment - Chapter 22: Aftermath

As promised, the new chapter. This update is to answer your questions regarding loose ends from previous chapters, next update will feature our friends in the Protectorate and will finally reveal the fate of Marie as the Gladius Project falls into...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 20 - Are Your Eyes Open Yet?

"Is my hair straight?" asked a busty Siamese cat as she brushed a few strands of her one-hundred and thirty four dollar haircut from her face. Satisfied, she gave a nod and smiled. "Good."' The burly camera bull nodded as well, "You're on in five,...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 21 - Blackout Protocol

_Years before..._ A black van emblazoned with a red letter F rolled up to the monastery located in rural Rome in the dead of night. James Massey, a grey wolf, and Alan Carson, a white ram, exited the van. "I dunno, Jim." the ram said as he closed the...

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