Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 1

The white and yellow Pokemon awakens with a groan. Blinking a few times, he looks around groggily at his surroundings. He is laying on something soft, and as his vision clears he is able to tell he is in some sort of wooden structure. There's a small...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 5

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds Chapter 5 Lance runs down one hunting path after another in search of his friend. It's well into the evening and the sun is once again disappeared beyond the horizon to leave little more than a halo of light above the...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 6

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds Chapter 6 The air stirs bringing Moto to wakefulness with a jump. "Gah..!" He clutches his chest as a stab of pain steals his breath. He lets out a squeaking grunt. "Hah...hah..." Rubbing his eyes when his breath...

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Terrenea: Descension War - Prologue

**Notes from a journal -** Calliope 17th, My name is Jason Hubert, Sergeant First Class of the Military of Joramar. I write this with the hope our story will not be forgotten. In all likelyhood, the inhabitants of Terrenea will be extinct by year's...


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Prologue

Long ago, humans and Pokemon used to live together in peace. The Pokemon that still roam the world only know that the humans left the world, leaving just remnants of their civilization behind. The Pokemon mind, at first a simple mechanism, has evolved...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 8

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds Chapter 8 "Me?" Moto retreats from the fox, bumping the back of his head on the tree trunk. "What do you mean 'me'?" Lance motions toward the map. "Exactly that. You're what makes it so important." Moto swallows....

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 9

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds Chapter 9 "Honey?" Moto rolls over in his bed and nestles up against the Pokemon with him. "Honey! It's time to get up! Breakfast is ready!" the female voice calls again. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" Moto calls...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 7

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds Chapter 7 "WHY haven't you FOUND THEM YET?!" Sceptile spins around in the center of the small clearing to face the Luxray, his tail cracking him across the face as Carnivine gives an audible gulp, followed by a painful...

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