The Arms Master's Dilemma

\*This is being told from Ecthelon's view point again as it is necessary for the story line\* "Gilorndir why are you rushing me out of the room so quickly? I need to talk to that woman and fix what I messed up." My healer friend walks me into a...

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A Night out

I head outside where Zander was waiting by the post where we place all court and council decisions. He was reading the current listing of goods' prices when I lightly pat his Dun colored rump and he turns his head to me. "Hey now be glad I like you or...

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Bandit Attack

We rush out of the council chambers, Zander in the lead with Starburst running over the rooftops. Ecthelon complaining about how stupid human's can be, on the other hand seeing a centaur running makes people move out of the way quickly. Thanks to...

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Knowledge isn't Always Good

I snort at the comment, "I thought you were only four hundred years old?" I ask, trying to figure out how a four century old elf could have been around during the 5th century. Ecthelon sighs deeply rubbing the back of his neck, "you were meant to...

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I walk into the compound and watch as Ecthelon puts the -recruit- through her paces in the training ring. Him winking at me as I walk into the area, and leaning against the rails. "Alright then seeing as you know so much about sparring, lets see how...

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I sit back and start eating what Timothy brought me, which was some eggs, locally made sausage, and some greens with my favorite flat breads. The flat bread makes it easy to eat this, especially since I did have breakfast entertainment. Timothy had...

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New Viewpoints

The next morning I follow my normal routine when I wake up on a non council day, I went into the complex's kitchen and set up a pot of tea to enjoy while reading a book till I needed to wake the children for their lessons. Today they were to start...

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Background Stuff

Oddly Ecthelon found a bottle of a quick recovery potion in Gilorndir's stocks, the problem is while the instructions near the bottle list that only a tablespoon is necessary it took the whole bottle to fix our healer. We were standing his workroom...

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Battle Plans

Unknown Perspective: Him and his wolf pause as they reach the edge of the town and listen with a inner sense. The wolf looks to him, {who would release the Hunt?} He shakes his head not knowing who would be stupid enough to wish them upon the...

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Calmer Heads

I exit through the farm gate into the farming area to see Starburst with his wings flared out speaking in even tones to a very upset Sir Iron. "You need to wait till we know what is going on, it could be dangerous for you." Sir Iron stamps a hoof,...

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Uncomfortable Court

I rub my head and groan inwardly as we hear yet another case of a person attempting to pee in public after the 'funeral'. Attempt because it was a female half elf, and according to the guard report the woman in question was protesting loudly as to...

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The Morning After

I sit the next morning at my outdoor table watching Ecthelon training the children, enjoying the odd quiet that blanketed the city. I had gone to bed at my normal hour and the 'funeral' was still going on, I was surprised Flower was awake and bright...

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