Veno's Triple Meals

She lay down on her bed of leaves with the bushes and trees of the forest she was so fond of. She was none other than a Whirlipede by the name of Veno thanks to her previous form. She tilts around and took in the nice sun and she was in a happy mood...

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Moo Moo Milk

Her eyes look over the Fire-Type with some concern. She saw the tired look and was sure he was down on some HP. She sat up and just smiled, her tail swished about some. "Not at all. I wasn't asleep, just resting my eyes was all.." Her voice was a sweet...

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Wreck It Ralph: Bad Ending 2

"I should thank you... but it'd be more fun to kill you." He said and ran at Ralph in his cybug like form. His claw dug into the mentos, missing Ralph by inches. "Come back here little guy!" His legs stab into the mentos, barely missing Ralph who...

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Wreck It Ralph: Bad Ending 1

The now Cybug King held onto Ralph tightly. "Let's watch her die together shall we?" He said, grinning. "It's game over for both of you." The king.. Turbo had won. He was the most powerful virus in the arcade and can take over any game he wanted. The...

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Sweet Lure

The racers were on a break finally after a great day of racing. They had planned on day to go to the Diet Cola Mountain for the sugar free lollipops. The reason was those sugar free lollipops are pretty taste and are said to help you when you race. So...

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Trust and Fools

It was a hot day in the savannah and the animals were thirsty. They had to take water but of course be very wary for the water held a creature that wished to devour any that try to drink. Always there is a chance that the first drink of water you take...

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Breakfast In Bed Note: This was inspired by a picture by G2CutieX2 from deviantart. []( is the picture. Hope you all enjoy. --- ...

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The two walked like they owned the city of Zootopia. In their feline minds they did. Paws stepping almost silently as they made their way to their tavern. Both looking like such an interesting duo since they seemed so opposite of one another.. Gaston...

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Ferret Food

He never thought he could run this fast. But on all fours seemed to increase his speed and his long, slender body aided him in twists and quick turns. He would admit reluctantly to himself that he did like this transformation. But sadly the situation...

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Halloween Trick

Tonight would be Halloween Night and he can celebrate his birthday with the others and the princess. He had planned for something scary and fun. Sadly he wound up winning third place thanks to Swizzle and Candlehead. But he wasn't unhappy. That was...

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One Night With Foxy

It was thought to be an easy job. A night guard at a local pizza parlor. Nothing to bad. Just someone to watch the cameras and the creepy animatronics. Nothing to bad, right? The first hour was boring she had to admit. The animatronics moved about on...

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Again she has failed her trainer by fainting and the opponent winning. Malva wasn't pleased by this at all and the Pyroar was tired out. This was the fourth defeat and Malva was very annoyed that she had to allow them to pass. The Water-Types always...

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