In the Enemy's Territory 10

The two women were led to another courtyard where they were pushed together with dozens of other slaves. They all whimpered and kept their heads down, moving around as some were added and others were pushed up into large heavy wagons. Nova kept a tight...

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In the Enemy's Territory 9

"That's right, you _shit licker_! Now why don't you be a good, predictable mama's boy? Run along and tattle on me. But if you do, I'll cut your fucking tongue out before I hit the road." The burly bitch grinned sinisterly, her teeth speckled with his...

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In the Enemy's Territory 8

Her own bark startled her awake. Snapping up, Nova glanced around with a growl quickly dying in her throat since there was no one to be growling at. The room was empty. With a big breath, she lay back down, curling into a ball. Anubis must have left...

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Furry Fuck Flick #2

Almost every morning for the past few months has been about the same. My brother wakes me up bright and early in the morning before his work. I get myself prettied up, go to what was my room when I first moved in with him, turn on my computer, and...

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Furry Fuck Flick

Running padded fingers through my luxurious belly fur, I peer into the tall mirror tacked to the closet door across from my bed. My purple eyes sweep my body. Pulling at the scrunchie, purple hair tumbles around my shoulders. Damn, I'm so hot, I turn...

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In the Enemy's Territory #7

Nova startled awake. Bolting up, she panted, shaking as she glanced about the room. She'd had a nightmare, as real to her in sleep as the room was now. A little whimper next to her brought her out of the panic. Looking down, she smiled at Veka,...

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In the Enemy's Territory #18

It wasn't until the evening that the pack truly realized Anubis was gone, and the dinner was quiet once again. More of their pack was missing, and it sucked the joy out of the victory, though there were a few tales snickered over of Jack's total...

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In the Enemy's Territory #17

_Dear Caesar, my favorite brother. I am ELATED to hear from you and learn of your good fortune and prosperity! I could not have imagined a better life for you. I wish so much I could be there to hold your pups. I hope I get to...

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In the Enemy's Territory #21

"Well? Aren't you even going to turn around?" "If.. If I do... will you... actually be there?" "The fuck's that supposed to mean?" A big brown hand clapped on his shoulder and spun him around to look into her grinning face. "Does it look like...

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In the Enemy's Territory #20

At the sharp tap from the mediator's ornate gavel, the group had been expelled from the discordant hall with a flick of the wrist. The vote in question no longer required their testimony and was now for council members to discuss and vote on. Fern...

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